Kirjaudu arvostellaksesi tuotteen


Tuote on poistunut valikoimastamme

Rask on uuden ruotsalaisen kiekkovalmistajan Kastaplastin ensimmäinen kiekkomalli. Kastaplast on tehnyt patenttihakemuksen tekniikalleen tehdä nopea draiveri, joka on muita markkinoilla olevia kapeampi rimmiltään. Se on mahdollistettu uudella innovaatiolla, jossa lentopinnan alapuolella, noin 1.5 senttimetrin päässä reunasta, on muutaman millimetrin korkuinen sisäreuna.

Rask is the most streamlined disc to date and will reach great distances if given enough snap. A good powerful rip and it will have the job done in no time. It may set off into a slight high speed turn but will fight its way back to a predictable landing. Rask needs a lot of speed to fly, making it best suitable for power throwers and experienced players. Try it uphill, downhill and flat. It's a bomber!

This concept disc is based on Kastaplast’s new invention for drag reduction (patent pending). Being less than 22 mm wide at the rim, Rask proves that a disc’s speed cannot be determined by looking at the width of the rim. With ease Rask keeps up with any other distance driver on the market, thanks to its streamlined design. Those who want the fastest disc available, without the widest rim - reach for Rask!